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(Archived for posterity) The Rails app that powered ValleyCamp.org for a number of years.
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(Archived for posterity.) This was supporting repository for vccms, containing design documents, static asset prototypes, etc...
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Provides voice data for an AllStarLink node.
This is a backup for the primary repository at https://github.com/ValleyCamp/AllStarHelper
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PSU Capstone 2014 Team B - Project Proposal Presentation (End of 1st quarter)
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The Ansible configuration to set up the services I use at home (Asgard)
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A Vue.js app that runs on a screen in our office acting as a dashboard.
Also a first-pass at a Vue.js app, so it might be weird.
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Code to run on a Particle.io hardware device to act as the main light switch for my home automation system.
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[ARCHIVE] This was the final project I built for my CS410 Advanced Functional Programming class at Portland State.
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[ARCHIVE] This was the final project for my CS457 Functional Languages class.
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A quick project to track CVS Covid19 vaccine availability. Was working for what I needed but abandoned after I no longer needed it and moved on to projects that wouldn't stop working as soon as vaccine availability amped up. No longer functions.
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[ARCHIVE] Cyclone assisted with the Cycle Counts and other various validation tasks.
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